Thursday, 31 March 2011

March For The Alternative - Why they are here and who they are 26.03.11

The March for the Alternative was organised by the TUC and joined by UK Uncut, a self-organised direct action group.

While the Trade Unions marched toward Hyde Park where this film was made, the UK Uncut under the "Shut Down London" operation was targeting "Tax Dodgers" retailers. Their philosphy is non violent and consist in entering the shops, in this case Fortum and Mason and do "sit-downs" with their placards. Obviously shoppers don't feel like buying anything... then the shop manager has to shut down... Mission accomplished :-)

In this film the protesters have been asked why they are here and who they are

While interviewing people from different walks of life, I realise that they all shared a common characteristic. They care for others. They are conscious of the implications of these Public Service spending cuts on their friends, family and local communities.

There was half a million of people coming to London from across the UK to show their opposition to this Tory Libdem lead government spending cut bill. Many citizens that aspired to change, voted for the Liberal Democrats at the general election thinking that it will make a difference. Most of them, feel deeply betrayed and question the true value of democracy. If we are in a democracy, why is it that our "representatives" once elected do not keep their promises. Does our voice count? This government instead of acknowledging the overwhelming opposition to Public Service cuts, they use the media propaganda of the state to divert the public opinion from this truth and focus on minor incidents that have been made bigger than they really are.

What's next?

The people that came to the protest know that all of this is no true. Until we rely on the BBC to tell us what's happening we will be kept submerge from real consciousness and unable to fight for our rights to health, education, settler.... It is time to get back our power and be listen to. Keep up to date.

Filming and Editing: Sandra De Andrade
Interviewer: Liz Rojas
Music: Zapac Test Drive

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

The End of Poverty film

“End of Poverty?” a good question. It is the title of Philippe Dias documentary that received numerous awards and recognitions. This week The Tipping Point Film Fund organised the screening at the Lexi cinema.

I always wondered how people can be hungry and poor when nature can produce anything we need to at least not to be hungry.

One of the most striking scenes was a group of Kenyan farmer showing their devastated land and dying animals. Just two miles away, a foreign corporation has just opened. A recent built dam has destroyed all their cultures bringing cholera and other forms of deceases. To make things worse, the rice produced in their land is sold abroad and does not even nourish their own people.

The economical system and financial institutions created by the west keeps developing countries under-development.  This neo-liberalism system is the continuation of colonization. It sucks all the wealth produced in poor countries in debt repayment to the West creditors.
Through the imposition of debt, the countries lose their sovereignty…. letting external vested interests dictate the country policies.

It is happening here:
Until recently Europe was protected from the side effects of the market. Now it is happening here! The financial crisis has justified savage cuts in the welfare system and the selling of public service units (Gaz, Water, Electricity, Telecommunication….) to private interests. There is no real political alternative, the “right” says large fast cuts and the “left” says cuts but not so fast. Their argument is we have too much debt! Non sense! We always had debt! It is part of the functioning of the capitalist system.

From the floor – in the audience someone pointed out that English subtitles were only use when black speakers were speaking when American-Asians clearly had an accent. I think it is a pity that the film director did not challenge his own prejudice. In my point of view, the film is a bit too long partly due to the large quantity of interviews. Philippe Diaz could have cut on few speakers. Some discourses were repetitive and did not add further information. Moreover, some historic explanations about the colonisation were simplistic.

The “End of Poverty?” is very rich and triggers many questions that need to be investigated separately. A long debate about aid followed in the audience.The successful role of UKUncut in the organisation of grassroot spontaneous protests to expose tax-doding corporations.

Further reading that reinforce the idea of western economies responsibility in the extreme poverty of the South.

Panel discussion speakers:
The New Economics Foundation is an independent think-and-do tank that inspires and demonstrates real economic well-being...

War on Want fights poverty in developing countries in partnership with people affected by globalisation. they campaign for human rights and against the root causes of global poverty, inequality and injustice.
This film is supported by:
STWR advocates for essential resources such as food, water and energy to be shared internationally under the agency of the UN in order