Climate Change

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Why? What? and Who? – Preparing for Copenhagen

Why is everybody talking about the December United Nations climate change conference? Why is that so important? What is in the Kyoto protocol? Who will attend Copenhagen and what are their aims?  

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Friday, 1 January 2010 

Copenhagen What really happened - behind the scenes

Did you ask yourself what really happened outside the table of negotiations in the Bella centre during the UN Climate Change summit in Copenhagen? This is the real story that the mainstream media did not …

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Sunday, 24 January, 2010

What came out of Copenhagen - and what does it mean for the most vulnerable? 

The highly anticipated UN Climate Change conference in Copenhagen ended with a fraudulent last minute agreement, engineered by the United States, using China, backed by Brazil, India and African Nations as cover-up. What exactly contains …

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Wednesday, 17 February, 2010

When forest become a commodity - How do you preserve the right of indigenous people? 

Intact worldwide rain forests act as carbon sinks and currently absorb 15% of CO2 emissions caused by the release of burnt fossils fuels into the atmosphere. Deforestation represents an estimated 12-20% of CO2 emissions in …

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